WasteNot Project


Reuse saves natural resources, money, and space in the local landfill. Reuse is different than recycling in that items are not shipped away and reprocessed into new products, but instead are repurposed or repaired to keep them in use, saving energy and resources.

Below are a few ideas to help you adopt easy Reuse practices:

  1. Compost. Composting food and yard waste turns our garbage into a nutrient-rich soil additive and can reduce our trash by 30%. Click here to learn how to start composting for your household.

  2. Repair. Fixing broken products keeps them out of the landfill, supports local businesses, and saves resources used in making new products. Click here to learn more and find our Fix It Local Guide for local repair options.

  3. Thrift and Consignment Stores. Buying used clothing and homewares are less expensive and often just as good as new. Plus, donating your still-usable items to thrift stores often supports non-profit programs. Click here to find a list of local thrift and consignment stores.

  4. Online Marketplaces. Prefer shopping from your couch? Online marketplaces like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace are great places to find high-quality used items.

  5. Building Materials. Construction projects can create a lot of waste. The Flathead has two great resources for reusing leftover or salvaged building materials: The Habitat for Humanity ReStore.

  6. Reuse Arts & Crafts. There are tons of ideas out there to upcycle or repurpose common household items to keep them in use. Get the kids or a group of friends together for a fun afternoon. Click here for some ideas or search the internet for specific items you want to reuse.

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